My New Baby...

on Sunday, December 7, 2008

Last Friday, I got my new baby. It’s a shoe actually. A velvety, plastic high heeled ‘Juan’ shoes. Black, so mix and matching is easy!

Why I call my collections… baby?

Simple, they are so cute and needs constant care. They make you feel happy and complete just by looking at them.

Way back some months ago, I started collecting shoes. Sometimes I buy and the others were gifts. I was able to gather 28 pairs, from sneakers, flip flops, sandals and those cute and dainty flats. I wonder what happened to the photo I took one time that I lined them up in our small living room. I understand that you cannot keep them forever so from that 27, I only got 15 now. The rest I gave to charity, haha! No, I was overreacting, gave them to some relatives in the province – mother does that every summer, giving away old clothes and other “abubots” lying in the house. My favorite among them is my red shoes that I wear here Zenith (my office), I so like red shoes. They give such elegance to a black dress; match it with a red belt or a bag, then voila! Another chic look.

Apart from shoes, I also got various stuffed toys. These I don’t buy. They are gifts from boyfriend, which he got usually from arcade (he’s good in using that “machine-picks-up-toys”), the rests were hand-me-downs from my aunt. Liked them because they are huggable and cute especially if you place them in your bed, until they start to occupy the whole of your bed, and you’ll find yourself sleeping on the couch because you do not want to ruin their arrangement. Our new house is on the works, so I still do not have my own room and bed. It doesn’t bother me, for now, since I am renting a space near work.

Another collection, which I recently gave up collecting, is Candy Magazines. Photo attached showed how I became so addicted with these mags. I buy, sometimes sister does, and rest were again, given to me since they know I am a collector. In the entire 5 years, I only missed like 4 issues. I still have that dream that one day they will get me as a subject and be featured on that magazine since I was once a die hard fan. There I saw the early days of Heart Evangelista, her then name was Heart Ongpauco. Saw there the fresh face of Atom Araullo, he was a Candy hottie way back early 2000, that time he was still in school, UPD taking up Applied Physics. Not only a collector, but I am also an active reader who goes to their parties. One of my most cherished moments was when I got to meet and greet the used-to-be Ed Chief, Mia Fausto-Cruz; I got struck when I saw her in person. She was nice and very accommodating. I was a fan. Later I found out that she was a cousin of an officemate in MindShare. Watta’ small world.


Other babies that I have include magnets from various places, provinces and countries that I was able to pay a visit. Notebooks from different suppliers! Who else in media don’t have a collection of notebooks, planners and notepads! :)

Guess that’s it for now. I was searching the net looking for some weird collections. If you have something to share about it, then share it to me. Maybe I’ll find something interesting in it too!

Gotta go.